Friday, December 7, 2007

Things to do around town

Here's to getting into the holiday spirit now that it's Advent already!

While wandering through the Altamonte Mall, I discovered a wonderful shop to please the child within all of us. It is called Pinocchio's. Not only do they sell puppets and toys but they also give shows during the week beginning December 12th. For information and reservations (recommended) call 407 677-8831 or email for more information.
I made sure to pick up a brochure so I don't miss any of their fun. They are featuring The Little Drummer Boy for this holiday season.

Seminole County College is showing the one man production of The Christmas Carol tonight, tomorrow night and Sunday for the holidays.

Big Bobby Blackmon is performing tonight at 7 PM free Crane's Roost. He is a great local blues impresario so don't miss him. First saw him open for Buddy Guy at HOB last year.

And I see Orlando's own Amy Steinberg is singing here December the Paramount. Welcome back Amy.

Signing off for now to get back to decorating my tree.

Painterly Muse

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Happy Birthday Knute is one today!

To View this cuddly one year old polar bear go to

Monday, December 3, 2007

Something Heart Humming to Share Today

This was an article in today's Scotsman. Hope it brings a sweet smile to your wonderful faces.

Friday, November 30, 2007


Holidays and I'm scattilated!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I soaked my turkey overnight in water and 1/2 cup of salt and some hot spices and it was the best ever, I must say.

The stores have plenty of great bargains for shopping right now so it helps get me into the holiday spirit.

AND I see Rick Springfield and Foo fighter tickets are on sale. What could be better?
There are several Nutcracker performances in today's paper as well.

To keep my creative thoughts flowing, I am going to take a long walk around Lake Eola and simply listen to sounds of BeaSilly muse chatter. Take a walk with her sometime. You will smile through the entire afternoon or evening after.

Painterly Muse

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Are you ready to leap into Thanksgiving on Thursday? Turkey talk surrounding you? Enjoy the day and try something different. Experiment and be playful with it. You might eat dessert first or change the usual time or whatever makes you smile more about the day to put any stress away in its hopelessness chest and forget it. Remind yourself what the day is about and play don't work to be with your family and friends . Gratitude begins with a feeling. Surrender to it and have fun.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Today is Guy Fawks' Day and hope all of you will have a terrific day.
Guy Fawks and a band of men tried to bomb Parliament in 1606 and failed. So this day is celebrated in the UK, Canada, Australia etc. as a symbol of peace.
The kids go door to door to beg for a penny for the guy (to pay for their fireworks). the symbolic guy is burned in effigy in the evening in a huge bonfire (warning do not try this in California).
Treats include treacle puddings and apples etc to celebrate.
Hope this gives everyone some creativity juice to make it a celebration of your own today.
Enjoy yourselves!

Painterly Muse

Friday, October 26, 2007

The two minute string theory

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Bloggers Unite - Blog Action Day


Our oceans are presently at risk. Scotland has started an organization to save their seas.
This is not only their, a local concern, but a worldwide one.
Our Polar Bears are hungry and must travel further distances due to the decrease in frozen areas.
Sea birds are diminishing in numbers for lack of food as well.
We have met the enemy and the enemy is us. Progress comes with a chain.

Congrats to all fellow bloggers in efforts asking for change, solutions and sea stories in the future.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Orlando Creates Around Town

Halloween is almost here and you haven't thought of a costume yet?
Time to think creatively. One of the best costumes I ever saw was a small group of party goers who all came in a white sheet as the 'sheet family' complete with large labels i.e. chicken, horse,and bull. What are the best costumes you have encountered? Let us know.

Pumpkins are starting to materialize on front porches around town complete with painted faces. One hopes the weather cools off before the smell begins. Martha Stewart fans can even purchase a special pumpkin carving set for their designing attempts. And she says that's a good thing. Why not make some shortbread cookies in cat shapes?

Still procrastinating? you can find plenty of ideas by googling Halloween or pumpkins or scary pumpkins. Now you have so much information that you are stuck. At least now, you are on your way to opening your mind to child like fun and out of your shell. Don your costume, beg for candy and have a fun Halloween.

Painterly Muse

The purpose of this blog is to raise the creating levels of your higher self.