Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Retro Game Night

Hey dudes,
Friday night is retro game night at the Orlando Regional Historic Museum downtown. Have fun playing your old board games and video games. They have it scheduled from 7 to MIDNIGHT!!!
hope you can make it.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Billy Collins, former Poet Laureate for US

Tuesday, September 9th and the 11th at 7 PM,Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida, Billy Collins will be reading some of his poetry and it is free to the public. Thought I would pass that on to all you other muses.

RED CHAIR EVENT September 7, 2001

Last evening at the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center here in Orlando, over 2000 people turned out for the fourth annual Red Chair event. There was every kind of art imaginable, inside, outside and in the lobby. Our meetup group K.A.T.N., led by Sara Ashton, had 43 members turn out (we took up a good part of two rows). Everyone had a blast. The support for the arts here in Central Florida was very much in evidence. And some restaurants are offering special discounts for this month if you go before or after one of the shows. Where else could you see so much talent in one place at one time? I hope some of you were also there and enjoyed it as much as we did. Afterwards we all floated happily for dessert and coffee at Cheesecake Factory to finish off the meal we began at Brio's before the show.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Songs in the Night

Had to pass this on...Check out the FREE concerts they have at Crane's Roost in the Rose Amphitheater in Altamonte on Friday nights. It is a beautiful setting on the river bank. They have all kinds of different music. Bring a blanket, sit back and feel the beauty all around.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Beauty in Retro

Just came across this site honoring vintage and retro posters, ads, album covers etc. I am an admirer of the Colourist School so had to give you this link. There is even a YouTube video to watch. Enjoy my musings.

Painterly Muse

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


For the past 10 days, I have been totally absorbed in seeing as many movies, documentaries and forums for the Florida Film Festival as possible. One of the many reasons I chose Orlando was the fact that there was a film festival organized by a movie house which showed only foreign and independent films. The Enzian. Although I only managed to see 28 films and 3 forums out of the 150 films shown, it got the creative side of brain spinning in an eddy of ideas. Who wouldn't? The place was filled with celebrities, film makers, producers, writers, critics etc. What a high!
One very special thing happened this year. I joined a local meetup group in February (Independent Film Group, started by Christine) where new friends were made and found that when alone, I began chatting away with people in the queue before we were allowed in the theater. Everyone was so open and friendly. There was so much to talk about as well.
Many discoveries were made during my 10 day journey. I found where people had lived before coming to the area, their likes and dislikes, what films were a"must see "and all kinds of things. Of course, I ran in many of my friends coming and going that I hadn't seen for a bit. It is a bonus to make new friends who enjoy many of the things I like. The future is now filled with invitations from some newly found and from some old friends...and all it took was to start a simple conversation and to be there.

Thoughts from Painterly Muse


Sometimes trying harder is easier

Recently, I decided it was time to run a marathon. I just turned 40, and it's not going to get any easier. You learn a lot about yourself, and about life trying to do something like this, and last weekend was one of those times.

Last Sunday morning, I ran the Carlsbad 5K, which is widely known as the fastest 5k run in the area, if not the US. And now that I'm in the "Masters" category, we run at 7:05am. (I love the euphemism. I suppose they can't call it the Geezer's race.) Just to make it perfect, my marathon training routine had us running 16 miles the day before. I did well, but the inside of my knee was very stiff all weekend.

Last weekend was also my dad's birthday. So I had concert reservations at a local Jazz club, including dinner before. We all drank our first absinthe, and enjoyed a great concert, and good food. I was a little stiff in the legs when I got up, but it did not feel too bad.

The problem is that my dad also wanted to catch a movie that was only playing in San Diego that week. So after all that, we go see a 10:30 movie. As you can guess, I did not get home until after 1am. And I have to get up at 6am to make it to the race. And sitting through the movie meant my legs were even more stiff.

So finally, I'm at the race, on probably 4 hours sleep, with a knee that is too stiff to extend fully. We do a little warm up run waiting for the race to start. Everything is moving, just not well. We line up with the 8 minute/mile flag, thinking I'll be lucky to keep that pace. Everyone starts crowding towards the front as the race is about to start.

Once the race starts, it's so crowded, it's hard to move at first. The crowd is moving slow, so I start passing people. As I run faster, my knee starts feeling better. Pretty soon, I'm running the fastest pace I've ran since I started training. Instead of 8 minutes per mile, I'm under 7.5, and getting faster. And everything is loosening up as my body comes awake. Somewhere along the line I dropped my GPS cell phone, so I'm not sure how fast I ran at the end. But it read 6:57 pace for the last .15 miles.

Running was actually easier running harder, because I got my body going. I wonder how often things would get easier in life if I actually tried a little harder to get past the obstacles and really get things rolling?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Event

The first online short film festival with the best international women's short films will be on February 8th. Don't forget to watch other creative people and their work. Go to

Friday, January 4, 2008

Isabel Allende at the TED conference 2007

Novelist Isabel Allende video relating tales of some wonderful women who manage to live in a sometimes unjust world.

I think you will find this an inspiring talk for either gender. So I thought I would share this with you.

Happy Hogmanay to all and make your dream collage come true this New Year!

Your Muse,
