Wednesday, April 9, 2008


For the past 10 days, I have been totally absorbed in seeing as many movies, documentaries and forums for the Florida Film Festival as possible. One of the many reasons I chose Orlando was the fact that there was a film festival organized by a movie house which showed only foreign and independent films. The Enzian. Although I only managed to see 28 films and 3 forums out of the 150 films shown, it got the creative side of brain spinning in an eddy of ideas. Who wouldn't? The place was filled with celebrities, film makers, producers, writers, critics etc. What a high!
One very special thing happened this year. I joined a local meetup group in February (Independent Film Group, started by Christine) where new friends were made and found that when alone, I began chatting away with people in the queue before we were allowed in the theater. Everyone was so open and friendly. There was so much to talk about as well.
Many discoveries were made during my 10 day journey. I found where people had lived before coming to the area, their likes and dislikes, what films were a"must see "and all kinds of things. Of course, I ran in many of my friends coming and going that I hadn't seen for a bit. It is a bonus to make new friends who enjoy many of the things I like. The future is now filled with invitations from some newly found and from some old friends...and all it took was to start a simple conversation and to be there.

Thoughts from Painterly Muse

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